Sunday, June 5, 2011

Ahhhhh Paris

Feeling the need for a good old fashioned American Hamburger, we made our way into Paris to have lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe.

The Hard Rock Cafe PARIS is near Montmartre, so after devouring our delicious (though dreadfully overpriced) burgers, we walked up to that famous artist's district.

We watched an agile man juggle a soccer ball while climbing a lamp post. It was so impressive that we put a coin in his cap!

Next we saw a living statue. It was 85 degrees out, and I have no idea how this guy managed to keep up his act in that incredible heat. I was sweating just looking at him.

From Montmartre there is an incredible view of Paris, La Tour Eiffel is always poised for a picture!

Enjoying the sights, but overwhelmed by the heat, we set out looking for some ice cream. On our way we saw this woman performing with her Hertie-Gertie, which is a hand-cranked music box. She was singing traditional French songs, and the nostalgia was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

Ice cream cones in hand, we took a stroll through the artists colony, where painters paint and sell their creations. Pictures of Paris lined the streets, in every color, every medium, and every style. Around the corner, children sat for portraits and caricatures, while adoring parents smiled in anticipation.

Ahhhhh Paris.

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